Learn Japanese Through Anime - Ken Cannon

Do YOU have what it takes to be FLUENT in Japanese?

By ken cannon - 4:01 PM
Too Much One Piece Somebody in the comments of one of my videos said... "Bullshit, no way you've seen all of One Piece six times Ken " So I recounted. And it turns out I've actually watched them... 1. FULL Series (1st time with & 2nd without subs) 750+ eps -2 full times (500 hours) 2. Rewatch half with a girlfriend (no subs)...

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How I met Ken Cannon

By Anonymous - 3:26 PM
Hey everyone! Edgar here. Before anything else, I just want to make it clear: I'm not taking over Ken's blog, okay?  I'll be in-charge from time to time, but it's still mostly Ken. I'm only here to contribute a few things that you may or may not find interesting. Hopefully it's the former. I'm sure not everyone knows who I am or how...

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How I got my first Japanese Girlfriend

By ken cannon - 12:40 PM
It all started when I was lonely… (not uncommon) and I had just finished my initial 11 months of Japanese study, so I hadn’t met any humans in a long time. (Also, not uncommon) So, I decided to do it the safe way, online. (less self-confidence required) Also I wanted to meet an actual Japanese person, because up until that point, I had...

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The first moment I understood Japanese from Anime

By ken cannon - 1:32 PM
It was a heavenly, glorious moment! This was the moment I knew all my hard work had finally paid off. And I wasn’t crazy for trying to learn this crazy language. (I was crazy for other reasons) I still remember it like it was yesterday, I was 16 years old in my mom’s dark messy apartment, with a giant blue tarp covering up...

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Japanese Pronounciation

By ken cannon - 1:27 PM
Perfecting your Japanese pronunciation is like saying "Diju go dada store." I was doing some tutoring work the other day, and I was trying to correct one of my student’s accents to make it sound more natural. Now keep in mind this is one of those bastard genius students that everybody secretly loves to hate because they learn everything twice as fast. (I’m...

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Ken Cannon Happy Birthday - Part 2

By ken cannon - 4:56 PM
Here is your part 2 to How to say Happy Birthday in Japanese Video Lesson. Yes Ken Cannon is old and fat, but he is also very grateful for all of your happy birthday and in general very nice comments on the last video. Thanks so much! :) Click here to get free lessons from Ken Cannon Personally: https://www.japanesethroughanimeclass.com/p/new-free-japanese-video-lessons ...

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